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Conversation with Toby

There has been a lot of interest out there about Toby’s current condition. Since the general public is unable to see or interact with Toby the way that I am privileged enough to do on a daily basis. Therefore, I have interpreted his looks and actions into what a verbal conversation with him would sound like.

So Toby, we’ve all been wondering, how are you holding up?

Thanks so much for caring guys! Well, to tell you the truth, I’m holding up great. I’m getting so much play time, and I always have visitors that pick me up and pet me. I’ve always got so much food to eat, it’s almost like I’m being fattened up or something, but oh well, it’s all so delicious!

What’s your living arrangement like Toby?

Well, at first I lived in a small bin that was covered in pine needles, I had a mat to sleep on and a bowl of water and food. It was pretty rough back then, but now, thanks to everyone’s contributions, my home has been upgraded several times. First, my buddy got me a big ole cage with a second story, an auto feeder and a water-purifying bottle. Then, when I got a little bit bigger, I got my own floor in a big house, its about 200 square feet big, and my cage is always open in case I want to hang out there instead. I’ve got tons of toys, but not really any of the cool stuff I want like a bunny escalade and some diamond bling.

Wouldn’t you rather be out in the wild then held captive by this crazy guy?

You’re the crazy one! My buddy loves me and treats me better than any pet in the world! Plus, I don’t have to run away from big ole meanies like cats, dogs and foxes and those guys that would rip me from limb to limb! I’m just so thankful that my buddy takes care of me. I am the luckiest bunny in the whole wide world. Who else gets pounds upon pounds of fresh veggies and has their own floor in a house! Plus my buddy takes me to the park and walks me around outside all the time so I can become a good jumper just like other bunnies.

Did you know your owner is going to eat you?

What? Well, I’ve sort of had that feeling for a while, but I’m glad you told me. No wonder he’s been feeding me so much! Well, if I have to be eaten I’m glad it will by my buddy. You see, I’ve had a better life than most of the rabbits in this world, so many of us are killed daily and never get the chance to know a friend like I do. I’m just thankful that I was found that day by my buddy. But what I don’t understand is, why would my buddy eat me?

Well Toby, I’ve lied to you, he’s not going to eat you for sure, and it’s really up to us as viewers to decide whether or not you will live or die. We just have to shell out donations or buy some of your merchandise to keep you alive.

Oh my gosh, then get out there and buy a t-shirt or something, I don’t want to be eaten. It all makes sense to me now, he’s always saying things like you look so “sweet” and “Toby you’re looking tasty today” but I thought he was just being friendly! (Swallows nervously) Please help me by donating or buying some merchandise! I can’t blame my buddy though, he’s the nicest guy on the planet.

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